Clients often ask why removing some allergies takes one session while getting rid of other allergies requires a few more. It is mainly because of the emotional component often attached to those allergies.

If your allergy is due to a pure conditioned response, eliminating it generally requires one or two sessions. If your allergy is compounded by emotional issues, we need to clear the underlying reason and re-educate your immune system so it is willing to see the allergens as safe. This usually takes two or three sessions.

It’s the job of your immune system to protect you from internal threats such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, and allergens. Your immune system is wise and is always working to protect you the best it can. Allergy symptoms are the result of your immune system being activated to expel or neutralize a substance that it identifies as a threat. So simply supressing the symptoms with drugs doesn’t solve the problem. We must remove the root cause.

There are several reasons why your immune system might end up identifying something as an allergen.

Conditioning. Hay fever is a good example of this. Suppose you are outside and you are under some stress. Pollen gets into your eyes and nose so your body produces tears and nasal discharge to get rid of it. At some point, your body develops the unconscious habit of generating runny nose and burning eyes whenever there is pollen about. This is similar to Pavlov’s dogs who were conditioned to salivate whenever they heard a bell. In the case of hay fever, however, the tears and runny nose start in the presence of pollen even when there is no stress present. Getting rid of hay fever (and other allergies that are due to conditioning) forever usually requires only a single session.

Protection. Some allergies are actually useful in achieving an end, such as when someone unconsciously uses an allergic reaction as an excuse. An example of this is an allergy to smoke. Smokers may be more inclined to refrain from smoking in the presence of someone who is allergic rather than someone who simply doesn’t like smoke. This is not done consciously.

Connection. An allergy can also develop because of some personal attachment, for example when someone wants to be like a parent or other significant person in their life so they can feel connected or protected. When a mother suffers from many allergies, her child often ends up developing many allergies too… and this happens completely unconsciously. The child learns from the mother that certain foods cause certain symptoms and so develops the same reaction patterns as the mother. Furthermore, emulating parents is a way to feel closer to them and attract loving attention.

Association of perceived allergen with emotional trauma. An example of this is witnessing an accident while eating a certain type of food. The subconscious may create an association between the traumatic event and the food even though the body might otherwise consider that food to be completely innocuous. From that moment on, the immune system recognizes the food as an element of distress and produces an allergic reaction each time the person eats that type of food. Food allergies are common in children raised in dysfunctional families where the level of meal-time stress is very high.

The conventional medical approach to treating allergies is to use antihistamines. Because this approach only supresses the symptoms, there is no end to the treatment. Completely eliminating a health challenge such as allergies requires actually removing the root cause. The body isn’t random; if it produces symptoms, it’s because it sees a need for them. As long as your immune system perceives allergens as a threat, it continues to protect you using allergic symptoms.

During a treatment session, I first guide you through simple, easy, quick techniques to find alternative ways of preserving the positive aspects of allergic responses, if any. Then, I help retrain your immune system using homeopathy and neurolinguistic programming so that it reacts to substances the same way a healthy immune system should. Finally, we test the results safely and carefully. This test might be in my office if the allergen is readily available if it is safe to. Or I might suggest that you do the testing under your doctor’s supervision.

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