Testimonials from clients who have seen their health issues improve or be completely eliminated after working with Louise!

Pet Allergies

”I have been using the pet allergy remedy for my child for about a year now. She was getting hives whenever she touched a cat, which is her favorite animal. I give her one pellet before exposure and one after. The hives have completely stopped! She is so happy that she’s able to cuddle our… Read more “Pet Allergies”

Amanda A

Severe Stomach Issues

I would like to give my testimonial of my journey with Louise Grenier from very bad health back to normal life. I have suffered from stomach issues for many years and they gradually became unbearable. Constipation, GERD acid reflux, so much inflammation throughout my body I would hardly walk on my feet they were so… Read more “Severe Stomach Issues”

Cathy, Edmonton

Multiple Food Allergies

“Working with Louise has shown me unconventional ways to help cure my food allergy symptoms. She proves the mind is more powerful than you think. If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have been able to introduce some of the great foods back into my life. Louise has been patient and has helped me grow… Read more “Multiple Food Allergies”

Rebecca, Edmonton

Metal Allergy

Three years ago I went from an extremely healthy, athletic and happy person to having strange life altering sensitivities/allergies to metal and many common chemicals. After 2 years of various alternative health and traditional medical visits I went to Louise. Metal I was to the point where just touching metal would make me dizzy, irritate… Read more “Metal Allergy”


Pet Allergy

“Hello Louise! I have had success with my pet allergy kit! I am noticing a big improvement with my reactions when I am around the cats and horses at my ranch on weekends! Reactions have calmed down considerably.  Thanks I am very glad I gave this a try.”


Tree Allergy *Client Interview*

Please describe your allergic symptoms:  I was allergic to grass, pollen, trees and the earth.  I would break out in hives, and my eyes would be all bloodshot and watery and my sinuses would hurt, I would get really, really itchy if I had bare feet in grass and get rashes.” When did you experience… Read more “Tree Allergy *Client Interview*”


Cat Allergy

“My allergy to cats made it unpleasant to be around my daughter’s cat at her apartment. So I asked Louise to help me clear this allergy. One treatment was all it took to reprogram my subconscious that cats are not my enemies. Thank you Louise!”


Cat Allergy 2

Initial Appointment: I first became aware of my allergies when I was about 20 years old, which is 43 years ago; I saw an allergist and had a list of allergies a mile long. I took allergy shots for probably four years. Their benefit was doubtful. Several members of my family have cats to which I… Read more “Cat Allergy 2”


Pet Allergy

After a traumatic summer of losing our daughter and our pet Chihuahua, Chelious, I developed an allergy for pet dander. I grew up with pets in the house and our children have always had pets. Thus, this allergy was very devastating and it really bothered me, so when I saw an ad that stated a… Read more “Pet Allergy”


Dairy Allergy

Before I went to see Louise for my milk allergy life was really, really tough. I had stupid congestion, my face was flushed all the time, I’d had itchy throat, sometimes I would get bad mucus at the back of my throat, It’s just so hard to live like that in a world where it’s… Read more “Dairy Allergy”


Rheumatoid Arthritis

I first saw Louise in 2003. I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, it was mostly affecting my knees and feet, stiffness and sore. I was sent to a specialist and started taking the recommended drugs and received cortisone shots in both knees. The first couple of visits and cortisone shots went OK but then things… Read more “Rheumatoid Arthritis”


Dog Allergy

I have been allergic to dogs ever since I was a very young kid. I always had a fear of dogs and every time I saw one in the park or in someone’s home, I would eventually have swollen and itchy eyes and my asthma was affected greatly. I could never stay at gatherings or… Read more “Dog Allergy”


Strawberry Allergy

All my life I have eaten and enjoyed strawberries.  My mom makes the best homemade strawberry jam; strawberry shortcake has always been a favorite dessert of mine. Until 4 years ago, I began having adverse reactions to strawberries; about 20 min to one hour after consuming strawberries either alone or in a smoothie I would… Read more “Strawberry Allergy”


Cat Allergies

“This past weekend I visited my son, his wife and their two wee ones, plus their two cats. I had forgotten that Louise and I worked on my cat allergy almost 10 years ago. When Louise asked me to write about it, I then remembered some of the symptoms I was having when in contact… Read more “Cat Allergies”


Pollen Allergy

Initial Appointment: My son has a hard time during the summer months from May, with allergies to pollen. He not only gets sinus congestion but has bouts of nausea, headaches, vertigo and body pain. During the episodes he is unable to go to school and tends to sleep most of the time. I have tried the… Read more “Pollen Allergy”

Grant and his mom, Lesley


“Near the end of October I received my tragic news that I had cancer. I found out the next week after a biopsy that I had ‘Lymphoma B stage 4’.  The oncologist stated I had to start radiation right away so I had five straight days of almost the full amount they can give somebody… Read more “Cancer”


Pet Allergies

“I am finally doing really good with my pet allergies! The tissue salts, and also the neurolinguistic programming audio has helped. It is working great have not taken an antihistamine since taking the pet allergy kit. I have had days where my ears/head got congested and some sneezing still occurring, however I stuck with the… Read more “Pet Allergies”


Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

“In 2002 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma .  The medical system put me through 8 months of chemotherapy which was very hard on my body. I was also advised I would not be able to have children. After treatment I had no energy at all and felt horrible. A friend at… Read more “Hodgkin’s Lymphoma”

DW, Edmonton

Severe Cat Allergies

“I had a very severe allergy to cats.  In 2015 I visited my daughter in Edmonton.  My daughter did a good job cleaning her house to remove as much cat hair as possible and she sent her cat to a ‘cat daycare’ for 2 weeks before my arrival.  Even with a clean house and no… Read more “Severe Cat Allergies”

Marie-Jean, Bay Comeau, Quebec

General Health

I would just like to say thank you for our session, I feel so much better. The combination of the energy work and just one hay fever homeopath remedy I can breath a lot easier and I am much more grounded and balanced. I also have a lot less brain fog. It’s amazing how emotion… Read more “General Health”

Cheryl, S

Shoulder Pain

Louise helped me beyond my initial expectations. Not only did my shoulder feel better after my appointments, my entire body felt lighter, happier and full of well being. Louise is a gifted healer/practitioner. I highly recommend her services.

Sandy W

Food Allergy by RawFoodRomance (click for video)