We live in a world of polarity, of yin and yang, and of balance. Our body is energy and physical matter at the same time. Both aspects must be addressed for optimal health. If you suffer from a chronic disease that shows no sign of improvement, it may be because the medical system is focusing …
Allergies and Emotions
Clients often ask why removing some allergies takes one session while getting rid of other allergies requires a few more. It is mainly because of the emotional component often attached to those allergies. If your allergy is due to a pure conditioned response, eliminating it generally requires one or two sessions. If your allergy is …

Similarities Between Allergies and Phobias
Dr. Michael Levi, an immunologist, believes that an allergy is like a “phobia” of the immune system. In his analogy, an allergy in a person indicates that their immune system has developed an irrational “fear” of a certain substance causing the immune system to “panic” when confronted by that substance. The intense fear you experience …

Hay Fever Allergy
Hay fever can be extremely annoying and can become a serious problem. The symptoms are sometimes so severe that they can interrupt our normal flow of life, many times to the point of keeping us inside the house with the windows closed for most of the summer.

How do allergies really work?
I am constantly amazed at how the medical system fails miserably to help people suffering from allergies. What they offer is an injection of a very small amount of the allergen under the skin and then they

Spring allergies? Not anymore for this 13 year old
Last May I wrote an article on a severe case of Hay Fever. Here is the follow-up I just receive from the mother, which is now 1 year since his session to clear his Hay Fever. “Ever since that one visit with Louise for Grant’s allergies, he has not had a problem at all. This …
Pet Allergies No More
Living a life with an allergy makes daily really impinge on your activities. This last Spring I’ve had many clients contact me to help get rid of their allergies in particular Hay Fever allergies. Since I started clearing allergies using Homeopathy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), I have seen some pretty amazing results and the …

We are made of water and salts
From our salty tears to the minerals making up our bones and tissues, our body is made up in large part of good salts. When a body is cremated, the water evaporates and what is left is salt or ashes (minerals).
Epipen and Anaphylactic Shock
Let’s look at the EpiPen™. It can save lives in the case of very severe allergies. In such situations, the immune system triggers symptoms so severe that they put the life of the allergy sufferer at risk. An example of this is swelling in the throat that prevents air from reaching the lungs. That’s when …

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Your digestive tract is actually a tube. If you place a marble in your mouth and swallow it, it will go down the esophagus, pass though your stomach, go into your small intestine, go through the large intestine until it reaches the rectum and exits through the anus. In a sense the marble never actually …