hay fever
There are so many people suffering from Hay Fever that, instead of seeing each individual in a private session, I created a Homeopathic remedy that contains the most common remedies. and that treats most of the most common symptoms. The beauty of Homeopathy is the fact there is no chemical and, therefore, no side effect. In Europe, most doctors and pharmacists are trained in Homeopathy.
A pharmacist from Quebec introduced me to Homeopathy when I was working as a nurse in a Hospital Intensive Care Unit. I was suffering with severe Hay Fever and dealing with symptoms of a runny nose, constant sneezing and extreme fatigue. It was very difficult and the anti-histamine drugs I was taking were making me drowsy at work – most certainly not an environment where a nurse can afford to make a mistake! The pharmacist sold me 2 Homeopathic remedies (as well as the anti-histamines). After taking the homeopathic remedies my symptoms vanished, my energy returned and my mind was as sharp and clear. I had found the solution and never went back to taking the anti-histamines. This concept of taking care of the underlying problem rather than suppressing symptoms made sense to me. I went back to school and became a Homeopath.
Today many of my clients are people suffering from allergies with Hay fever being the most common this time of the year. Because I like to “stack the odds” in your favour, I recorded a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming session) and sell the Homeopathic remedy AND the NLP audio together. Chances are good that your present Hay Fever symptoms will quickly disappear. Homeopathy can be very effective and, by combining it with the power of using NLP, you have an easy and rapid Hay Fever remedy at your fingertips.
To order your Hay Fever kit, fill out the form below and get ready to be free of your hay fever allergy symptoms forever!